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Aussie children eat Vegemite from a very young age. We develop a taste for it by having little bites as we get older—and this is a great metaphor for parenting.

This is Ken Ham, and we publish the award-winning family magazine called Answers.

What is Vegemite? It’s a delicious Australian delicacy. But when I share this treat with our American friends, they usually run for water and say it’s gross. So why do Australians love it so much?

Well, Aussie children are fed Vegemite from a very young age. We develop a taste for it by having little bites as we get older—and this is a great metaphor for parenting.

We want our kids to have an appetite for God’s Word—and that means feeding them a steady diet of God’s Word from a very young age.

Spend focused time in God’s Word as a family, no matter the age of your children. Start them on God’s Word young and don’t be surprised when they grow to love it.

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Vegemite Kids So Obvious, Even a Child Gets It!