Previous Episode: Standing for Truth
Next Episode: Scripture Testifies

We can have confidence that we serve a real and risen Lord.

This is Ken Ham, inviting you to visit our full-size Noah’s Ark attraction in Northern Kentucky.

Some people say Jesus never even existed but was just a made-up figure. Now this is often seen on the internet, but is it true?

Well, it’s worth noting that very few scholars hold to this idea. Even most liberal and secular scholars know that Jesus lived in history. Some of them even say that no sane person doubts that Jesus lived and it’s not even worth debating! What they don’t believe is that Jesus was God or that he rose from the dead.

But as we’ll see this week, the Scriptures and the historical record confirm Jesus’ historical existence and his resurrection from the grave!

We can have confidence that we serve a real and risen Lord.

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Jesus “Jesus Did Not Exist”