Previous Episode: Gender—Just a Construct?
Next Episode: Did Jesus Actually Live?

If America continues to go the way of the rest of the West, it will soon be illegal to share biblical truth regarding marriage, gender, and sexuality.

This is Ken Ham, publisher of the award-winning family magazine, Answers—including a version for kids!

If America continues to go the way of the rest of the West, it will soon be illegal to share biblical truth regarding marriage, gender, and sexuality. So what should we as Christians do when this happens?

Well, our charge from God has not changed—we’re to be salt and light and make disciples. We’re to contend for the faith, and do the King’s business, until he returns.

We must remember that real people are broken and hurting. But they don’t need the counterfeits our culture offers. They need the truth of God’s Word … and the gospel.

So, for the sake of the glory of God and the good of those made in his image, don’t be silent. Speak boldly, obeying God, rather than men.

Dig Deeper

Gender in our Culture—Cutting Through the Chaos Transgender—Bringing Clarity to a Confused World