We can have confidence that we serve a real and risen Lord.

This is Ken Ham, a publisher of the award-winning family magazine called Answers.

Yesterday we learned that very few serious scholars believe Jesus was completely made up. The evidence is just too strong that he really lived.

Now, our New Testament was written by men who actually knew or encountered Jesus. And most of it was written within just a few decades of Jesus’ life. Lots of people who were alive when Jesus feed the 5,000, healed the blind, and rose from the dead were still alive when the gospels were written. So if the disciples just made Jesus up, lots of people could’ve pointed out that no one had any memory of any such man! And yet no one did.

We can be fully confident Jesus really did live in real history.

Dig Deeper

Is the New Testament Reliable? The Divinity of Jesus Revealed in the New Testament