Oftentimes pastoring is a lonely job. Not only do you have weird long hours, but you are also dealing with weighty stuff. Youth pastors face this just as much as senior pastors. Pastoring is also one of those jobs, not many people, even inside the church truly understand, which can make it feel more isolated.

These and many other reasons are why it’s important to find a group of pastors in your area to meet together and share your struggles of ministry and pray with. Networking is typically a business term - specifically in sales, networking in order to find new leads and the next business deal. However, in ministry networking is important to help us stay strong in the call. 

I sat down with Bryan Krauss, a youth pastor in the Scranton area of Pa to talk about and discuss how he has networked with other area youth pastors to combine forces to reach students and the hear what he thinks is the benefits of reaching out and connecting with other youth leaders in the area. 

Rooted Reservoir
National Network of Youth Ministry

Bryan Krauss
Instagram: @thebryankrauss

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