In this episode Ann shares parts of her magical morning routine. 

We all know those days when we get out of bed with the wrong foot and nothing works; you spill your coffee, you get stuck in traffic, your colleague is in a bad mood, your date gets cancelled and you get a parking ticket.... 

When we set up our morning with positivity and with the intention of greatness to come, we set ourselves up for a good day. This good day turns into a good week, turns into a fantastic month, turns into an amazing year, turns into a prosperous decade, turns into a blissful life! 

You get the idea... Ann has put together her favourite morning steps to set herself up for a fabulous day hoping to inspire you to do the same. It took her a while to navigate her way through all the amazing resources the internet and many coaches offer to come up with her own morning magic. 

Feel free to download the magical morning workbook