Previous Episode: The "Not Good Enough Wound"
Next Episode: Tap With Ann - Intro

In this episode Ann talks about the state after you have calmed down from the intense feeling of what she calls “codependent awakening”. 

The state where you have radically changed and shifted and come into a more calm state of life. This is a time when “relapsing” happens a lot: either settling for mediocre options for life (because they are better than the horror show you had before, right?!?) or falling back towards narcissistic relationships, patterns of over-explaining and people pleasing...

So what to do when you realise you are out of the intense feelings of anxiety, depression, hopelessness, fear and come to a point in life where you feel good... What’s the next step?

The simple answer is to dream big, go big and to stay so true to yourself! 
More on this in this beauty of an episode! 

Share your thoughts, your insights and spread the love on instagram @iamannpetersen