
“I don't want you to be helicopter parents because that's the absolute worst aspect, the helicopter parent right now in society is really not helping out our younger generation, so don't be the helicopter parent.”


“However, let's look at the other side of it. What if your kids are actually the bullies? Right. You may not want to accept these things, you may not want to look at this and say, Yes, my kid is that dick at school and he's being the bully. Everybody thinks that their children are the angels,

my kid can do no wrong. Well, guess what, you don't know as much as you think you know about your children.”


“Mental health and suicide prevention and I think this is the most important that we look at. Obviously talking about prostate cancer and testicular cancer seeing your doctor checking your genitals and making sure that everything's okay down there is a huge thing, but mental health is something that we're just scraping the surface of, and it doesn't just affect men, it affects everybody in the world, there's a man that is down dying every minute of every day from suicide on this planet.”

“By 2030, they want to reduce the rate of male suicide by 25%. Now that's a huge on taking 25% Now think about that. If we could reduce that in the next 11 years. What else can we do, and it has a lot to do with conversations, helping other people that are depressed that don't know how to help, how to help themselves. So, if you want to look further into this, go to” 

“Dad Tip of the daydreaming. After all, it is a form of planning, Gloria Steinmen. I want to touch on this because I don't want you guys to stop dreaming, ever. When you have a dream, those dreams become goals. Goals become reality. Once you've taken the steps to make that happen. You're going to be happier.”