“If you aren't participating in Movember whether you're growing the mustache yourself, or you're helping out others, spreading the word. Those are the biggest things that you can do for this whole month. Now, the first seven days are always. Everybody's going crazy talking about it, but then as we get to day eight it starts to linger off, and I don't want you to stop. We need to keep this conversation going. We need to have these conversations with our friends and our family and our loved ones, talking about it as the biggest thing. This helps get rid of the stigma of mental health. And if we're talking about it then people are listening and if people are listening, then we won't forget.”


“One out of seven Canadian men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime. Now that's a lot and you're looking at a room of guys and you think about that one in seven men. So there's 14 there two of you are going to be diagnosed with prostate cancer, making sure that you catch this early enough is the biggest and best thing you can do, and obviously donating and making sure that the research is there.”


“Being dapper, a way of life being stoic.  What you need to do is present everything with kindness. Now, this can be difficult at certain times. But the way that you react to people in the way that you treat other people is the biggest thing.”


“Dad Tip of the Day

When you feel like stopping, think about why you started on so many different levels and so many different things. This is so important, and whether you're working on a project, personally, a hobby that you're working on something to do with your family or something at work, or maybe you've quit that job, and now you're off on your own.

You need to think about the reason why you started this in the first place.

Because that's going to help you get through any kind of feelings of defeat or frustrations or any of those dark voices that are in your head saying you're not good enough and you can't do this. Take a step back, take time for yourself and analyze why you actually started this in the first place. What the reasons behind that work. And that's going to help you move forward.”


“You need to get to that finish line.

The only way to do that is to navigate those speed bumps.

To fight through the frustrations, because you are good enough. And you are strong enough. And you will make it.”