An OBVIOU5 Voice ep 14 - Movember Challenge


This year I wanted to put a bit of a challenge out there I wanted to set a three-tier challenge on what I can do to help motivate more people to send off 10 or 20 bucks because when I hit that first tier which is going to be the $1,000 threshold,  I'm going to go and shave my head. If we make it to $1500, then I will be shaving my head plus I'm going to strip down to my boxers and roll down a snowy hill.  If I can raise $2,000, I'll be shaving my head, rolling down the hill in my boxers, and I'm going to be waxing my chest.  It's gonna be interesting, setting the challenge out to you guys, setting the challenge out to myself, and trying to raise as much money as possible for Movember.



We need to do the best we can and practice personal responsibility. And that's going to be sacrificing, sacrificing going out and seeing friends you haven't seen for a long time. The more than we can sacrifice now, the quicker we can get back to where we were a year ago.  Do the best you can. It's gonna be tough, but reach out, because we've got this amazing thing called technology. We can FaceTime we can zoom we can text, we can chat all the time.  I know it's not the physical contact that we're all used to or that we like. So as a parent, I want you to do the best that you can to try and keep the spread under control because we've got a lot of bubbles that are connecting right now so let's just try and limit those to what we can do.


Mental Health

There's another lockdown coming so you have to do the best you can to keep contact with your children, mentally, it's going to mess with you. It really starts to get the depression going again, and a lot of you have seen it, and a lot of you are just experiencing this depression for the first time, and you're really confused about what this feeling is and why you're feeling tired and down and lethargic and then all of a sudden other voices in your head saying, you should be doing this, why aren't you doing this, and you start giving yourself sh!t for not doing the things that you used to be doing. It's such a vicious circle. You just need to stop, take a breath. You need to make sure that you come back in your element, and say, Okay, I understand what's going on. Let's just stop and think about it.



Being dapper in society means supporting your neighbours. and in this situation, if you're one of the first people out there shoveling snow. Why not hit the neighbours to the left or hit the neighbour to the right, or if you know that there's an elderly neighbour on the street. Why don't you step up and jump across the street and help them out too. It's one of those things that we can band together as a neighbourhood, especially during this lockdown. Do the best you can to help other people, because you have no idea how much it supports them, and it puts a smile on their face and it just helps them along the right path. Anytime we can help, we should step up and do that. So let's be a little more dapper with our neighbours



Dad Tip of the Day 

“You're doing great. You're stronger than you think. Don't give up.”   This is gonna be big. This is something that I forget a lot, and I know a lot of people out there forget to, but you need to remember that you're doing great. You're stronger than you think. And that's the one thing I need to keep telling myself. I'm stronger than the voices in the head telling me I am, so don't give up. Every day is a new day. You fight through today, get on to tomorrow.