“Finished off the yoga challenge of August, we did 31 yoga sessions in 31 days, and it was quite the experience. And it was something that really helped me through a lot of different things, emotionally, mentally, physically, as well. And just the actual commitment of getting onto that mat every single day for 31 days was hell and experience.”

“So, we're going to keep that going for the next 30 days of September, if you guys know of any challenges or anything that you do for yourselves, share it with me.  Tweet at me at Captain OBVIOU5 or even join the Facebook group. And let me know in the comments section, what you do to challenge yourself each and every month. And it's something maybe that I can pick up and try for the upcoming months moving forward.”


“If you wait for everything to be perfect before taking action on your dream, you'll never take the first step.”