An Idiom a Day artwork

An Idiom a Day

187 episodes - English - Latest episode: about 4 years ago - ★★★★★ - 20 ratings

A Weekly Dose of Idioms
Learn Something New Every Day.

Language Learning Education american esl international conversation culture global idioms language
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Ep. 119 live like a king

May 24, 2018 06:22 - 4 minutes - 4.06 MB

What was your upbringing -rich, middle class, or poor?

Ep. 117 an ivory tower

May 23, 2018 09:03 - 4 minutes - 3.87 MB

What charity work have you done?

Ep. 116 the jewel in the crown

May 22, 2018 08:44 - 4 minutes - 3.66 MB

How do you contribute to your family?

Ep, 115 a double-edged sword

May 21, 2018 15:32 - 4 minutes - 4.34 MB

What would you do if a family member told you they killed someone in a hit and run accident? Would you report them to the police?

Ep. 114 a king's ransom

May 20, 2018 06:38 - 3 minutes - 3.22 MB

What family tradition would you like to pass on?

Ep. 113 Prince Charming

May 17, 2018 12:42 - 3 minutes - 2.81 MB

Do you believe in love at first sight?

Ep. 112 castles in the air

May 16, 2018 06:44 - 3 minutes - 3.26 MB

How many generations can you trace of your family’s heritage?

Ep. 111 There's plenty of fish in the sea.

May 15, 2018 13:45 - 3 minutes - 3.57 MB

What makes you proud about your mother?

Ep. 110 Cleanliness is next to Godliness.

May 12, 2018 16:53 - 3 minutes - 3.55 MB

What makes your mother smile?

Ep. 109 There's no point crying over spilled milk.

May 11, 2018 11:34 - 3 minutes - 3.34 MB

What is your happiest memory of your mother?

Ep. 108 Beggars can't be choosers

May 10, 2018 12:16 - 3 minutes - 3.4 MB

What fragrance does your mother wear?

Ep. 107 Curiosity killed the cat.

May 09, 2018 10:39 - 3 minutes - 3.17 MB

What one word best describes your mother?

Ep. 106 Share and share alike.

May 08, 2018 09:46 - 3 minutes - 3.18 MB

What is something your mother considered very important?

Ep. 105 air your dirty laundry

May 07, 2018 08:32 - 4 minutes - 3.93 MB

What is something your mother considered very important?

Ep. 104 Look before you leap.

May 06, 2018 09:13 - 3 minutes - 3.47 MB

What are the most important things you have learned from your mother?

Ep. 103 Birds of a feather flock together.

May 04, 2018 18:41 - 3 minutes - 3.64 MB

Do you know what your mother's childhood was like?

Ep. 102 breathe fire

May 03, 2018 11:45 - 3 minutes - 3.35 MB

Do you shout at people when you get angry?

Ep. 101 go to the ends of the earth

May 01, 2018 16:39 - 3 minutes - 3.35 MB

What impossible task or job are you facing right now?

Ep. 100 clear the air

April 27, 2018 13:04 - 3 minutes - 3.46 MB

What was a big misunderstanding you had with a friend?

Ep. 99 keep your head above water

April 26, 2018 10:05 - 3 minutes - 3.5 MB

Do you use coupons?

Ep. 98 Where there's smoke, there's fire.

April 25, 2018 08:46 - 4 minutes - 4.36 MB

What's one object you would grab if your house caught on fire?

Ep. 97 an earth mother

April 24, 2018 07:48 - 4 minutes - 3.91 MB

If you would be safe, what act of mother nature would you like to see?

Ep. 96 up in the air

April 22, 2018 15:37 - 4 minutes - 3.84 MB

Do you like or dislike throwing parties?

Ep. 95 not hold water

April 21, 2018 15:10 - 3 minutes - 3.6 MB

What would be an acceptable excuse for leaving work early?

Ep. 94 add fuel to the fire

April 20, 2018 15:55 - 4 minutes - 3.88 MB

Do you frequently argue with other people?

Ep. 93 the salt of the earth

April 19, 2018 16:30 - 3 minutes - 3.41 MB

Is it offensive to add salt and pepper to a dish before tasting it?

Ep. 91 a breath of fresh air

April 18, 2018 13:36 - 3 minutes - 3.57 MB

How do you tell a friend they have bad breath?

Ep. 90 take a leaf out of someone's book

April 17, 2018 10:13 - 4 minutes - 3.77 MB

Who was the most important role model in your life?

Ep. 89 Words fail me!

April 16, 2018 09:16 - 4 minutes - 3.9 MB

Who are the authors whose every book you have read?

Ep. 88 take the words out of someone's mouth

April 14, 2018 15:41 - 3 minutes - 3.46 MB

What were the first words you spoke as a baby?

Ep. 87 hit the books

April 13, 2018 14:22 - 3 minutes - 2.97 MB

What were the last three books you read?

Ep. 86 on the same page

April 12, 2018 11:32 - 3 minutes - 3.4 MB

How do you keep track of your place while reading a book?

Ep. 85 be an open book

April 10, 2018 11:18 - 3 minutes - 3.13 MB

If you were in prison, what would you do with your time?

Ep. 84 have to eat your words

April 08, 2018 17:12 - 3 minutes - 3.59 MB

What books have made a big impact on you?

Ep. 83 by the book

April 05, 2018 16:46 - 3 minutes - 3.37 MB

Do you establish routines?

Ep. 82 End of story.

April 04, 2018 12:22 - 3 minutes - 3.08 MB

Do you always want to have the last word?

Ep. 81 once upon a time

April 03, 2018 09:27 - 3 minutes - 3.17 MB

What is your favorite fairy tale?

Ep. 80 rise from the dead

April 01, 2018 17:39 - 3 minutes - 3.27 MB

How do you want your obituary to read?

Ep. 79 to die for

April 01, 2018 14:24 - 3 minutes - 3.01 MB

What do you see from your bedroom window?

Ep. 78 leave no stone unturned

March 31, 2018 16:42 - 3 minutes - 3.22 MB

What keys do you have on your keyring?

Ep. 77 as the spirit moves you

March 30, 2018 17:12 - 3 minutes - 2.78 MB

Are you a member of a church, synagogue or mosque?

Ep. 76 put all your eggs in one basket

March 29, 2018 17:55 - 3 minutes - 3.25 MB

What is the best thing that could happen to you if you took a risk and succeeded?

Ep. 75 lay down your life

March 28, 2018 16:46 - 3 minutes - 3.19 MB

Would you rather be a police officer or a firefighter?

Ep. 74 the gospel truth

March 27, 2018 12:05 - 3 minutes - 2.43 MB

Do you think honesty is always the best policy?

Ep. 73 perform miracles

March 26, 2018 09:42 - 2 minutes - 1.94 MB

Do you believe in miracles?

Ep. 72 get religion

March 25, 2018 04:16 - 3 minutes - 3.01 MB

What is heaven like?

Ep. 71 cover a multitude of sins

March 24, 2018 15:46 - 3 minutes - 3.04 MB

How long do you keep a bad habit from a partner?

Ep. 70 pull a rabbit out of your hat

March 23, 2018 17:57 - 3 minutes - 3.04 MB

What is the best way someone can compliment you when you have done a great job?

Ep. 69 a cross to carry

March 22, 2018 16:37 - 3 minutes - 3.28 MB

Do you have a family member or friend with a severe health problem?

Ep. 68 as gentle as a lamb

March 20, 2018 18:08 - 3 minutes - 3.55 MB

What characteristics of your parents do you see in yourself?


Where There's Smoke
2 Episodes
Birds of a Feather
1 Episode
Head Over Heels
1 Episode