Last term’s Supreme Court decisions on women’s rights should make Democrats happy this fall, says commentator Fred Rotondaro. Former ambassador Mike Ussery reviews U.S. diplomacy. And Bill Press interviews Joe Cirincione of the Ploughshares Fund


The Supreme Court is ready to start a new term, and commentator Fred Rotondaro reviews last year’s women’s rights decisions. Former Republican ambassador Mike Ussery reviews the world’s diplomatic and military flashpoints. And Bill Press interviews Joe Cirincione, who recently had dinner with the leader of Iran.


Fred Rotondaro

Remember the Hobby Lobby case the Supreme Court decided last spring? Commentator Fred Rotondaro says voters will remember, and the anti-woman agenda of the Roberts Court should be a huge help to Democrats this fall.


Mike Ussery

Mike Ussery is an international businessman and a former ambassador in Republican administrations. He says that a century after World War I, it might be the Ukraine that becomes a world flashpoint.


Joe Cirinicione

Bill Press and his guest, Joe Cirinicione, head of the Ploushares Fund.

Jim Hightower

Marriott's shameful hotel tipping scam.