Gary Donaldson on the LBJ alliance with Eisenhower. Karen Piper on how corporations control the world’s water. And Bill Press interviews Maryland Congressman Elijah Cummings.


It’s been half a century since the Great Society, and historian Gary Donaldson takes a look at how Lyndon Johnson, working with President Eisenhower, accumulated the political clout to change America. Professor Karen Piper foresees a world that will be fighting wars about water, which, of course, is abundant – but severely maldistributed. And Bill Press interviews Maryland Congressman Elijah Cummings about the Secret Service mess.

Gary Donaldson

Fifty years after the high point of Lyndon Johnson’s power, historian Gary Donaldson talks about how he had previously reached an accommodation with President Eisenhower to keep the country on a middle road of prosperity.

Karen Piper

With the American Southwest facing water shortages, professor Karen Piper offers us a more global outlook on water distribution, which she says is largely a matter of corporate control.

Elijah Cummings

Bill Press and his guest, Elijah Cummings, the Maryland Congressman and ranking Democrat on the House Oversight Committee.

Jim Hightower

GOP boo-boo reveals secret corporate donors.