Author Thomas Frank tells Democratic candidates what to run on … Feminist law professor Deborah Rhode tells us what women want. And Bill Press interviews California Congressman John Garamendi.


Essayist Thomas Frank has a three-point plan for Democrats to use in campaigns that he says will be massively popular. Stanford law professor Deborah Rhode has a new book out called “What Women  Want.” And Bill Press interviews California Congressman John Garamendi, who voted against the President on authorizing U.S. involvement in Syria.


Thomas Frank

Provocative essayist Thomas Frank says Democrats can win elections with a three-point platform that he says would be massively popular: 1) Enforce antitrust laws 2) hold Wall Street accountable and 3) do something about college tuition.


Deborah Rhode

Stanford law professor Deborah Rhode says the feminist movement is in a bit of a valley and needs to do a better job of informing the electorate about the economic problems facing women.


John Garamendi

Bill Press and his guest, California Congressman John Garamendi.


Jim Hightower


Trying to pervert consumer protection.