Darman on the similarities between LBJ and Reagan … Rhode on what women want … and Bill Press talks ebola with Congressman Peter Welch.


What did Lyndon B. Johnson and Ronald Reagan have in common – besides their landslide victories? Author Jonathan Darman says they had the same political hero. With women potentially a decisive voting bloc in the midterm elections, law professor Deborah Rhode explains why a vast majority of Americans agree with feminist principles, but don’t identify as feminists. And Bill Press talks about ebola with Vermont Congressman Peter Welch.


Jonathan Darman

Lyndon Johnson was as big-government Democrat as we have seen in our lifetime. Ronald Reagan ushered in the era of small government. But author Jonathan Darman talks with us about their similarities.



Deborah Rhode

Stanford law professor Deborah Rhode says America ranks 78th in the world in the proportion of women in political leadership – and that’s behind Saudi Arabia. She has some ideas on how to change that.



Peter Welch

Bill Press and his guest, Congressman Peter Welch of Vermont.


Jim Hightower

The corporate purchase of America's political discourse.