O’Connell on presidents and religion, Vaheesan on how corporations play monopoly with our money, and Bill Press interviews Congressman Keith Ellison.


What role does God play in elections? Political scientist David O’Connell has some surprising findings. Or maybe not so surprising. Antitrust expert Sandeep Vaheesan explains how our economic system has fallen into the hands of monopolists, and it isn’t only Republicans to blame. And Bill Press talks with Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison.


David O’Connell

The voters speak every two years, and some politicians say God speaks on the same timetable – to them or to the public. Professor David O’Connell has evidence that when presidents, at least, invoke religion to change public opinion, the higher authority turns out to be the voters themselves.



Sandeep Vaheesan

The Reagan Administration left behind a pro-monopoly business environment, enforced by activist conservative judges, that is helping to widen income inequality today. Antitrust expert Sandeep Vaheesan says Democrats share the blame.’



Keith Ellison

Bill Press and his guest, Congressman Keith Ellison.


Jim Hightower


Arms peddlers discover your town… and tax dollars.