Thomas Frank reminds us what’s still the matter with Kansas. Professor William Forbath says the Constitution belongs to progressives. And Bill Press interviews Congresswoman Jan Schakowski about the response to ebola.


Ten years ago, Thomas Frank wrote the landmark book “What’s the Matter with Kansas. ” Today, he says the same thing is still wrong in the Sunflower State – Governor Sam Brownback – and he is ripe for defeat. Constitutional law professor William Forbath explains how the concept of “originalism” works for progressives, too. And Bill Press interviews Illinois Representative Jan Schakowski, about the congressional response to ebola.


Thomas Frank

Kansas Governor Sam Brownback is ripe for defeat, says Thomas Frank, who predicts that in the long term, the Republican Party is doomed. The short-term presents some problems, however.


William Forbath

Law professor William Forbath says our Constitution was written to oppose oligarchy, to guarantee economic equality and to promote progressive ideals.


Jan Schakowsky

Bill Press and his guest, Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky of Illinois.


Jim Hightower


The scariest thing about political fearmongers.