A holiday treatise on the Declaration of Independence by Princeton Professor Danielle Allen … regular commentator Fred Rotondaro’s assessment of Hillary Clinton’s prospects … and Bill Press talks with the Nation’s Zoe Carpenter.



As the nation celebrates Memorial Day, Princeton Professor Danielle Allen examines the power of words in the Declaration of Independence to bring us liberty AND equality. Hillary Clinton. Will she or won’t she? Regular commentator Fred Rotondaro says the Democratic nomination is NOT hers for the asking, but it would be a big surprise if she doesn’t get it. And Bill Press talks with the Nation’s Zoe Carpenter about immigration reform and Republican politics.


Danielle Allen

Political science professor and MacArthur genius Danielle Allen has written a book about the Declaration of Independence, and she says its powerful words about liberty AND equality are an example of how we, as individuals, can use words to achieve our political ends.



Fred Rotondaro

Fred Rotondaro of the Center for American Progress, assesses domestic politics, including Hillary Clinton’s chances of winning the Democratic presidential nomination.



Zoe Carpenter

Bill Press talks with the Nation’s Zoe Carpenter about immigration reform and Republican politics.


Jim Hightower

America's ongoing rebellion for fairness and justice