Economist James K. Galbraith talks about trade policy … researcher Tom Malleson talks about the remarkable new book by Thomas Piketty … and Harvard’s Theda Skocpol warns that the Tea Party is not dead.


Progressive economist James K. Galbraith offers his thoughts on the crisis in Ukraine and on how U.S. trade policy is a concession to corporate interests. Social scientist Tom Malleson talks about the groundbreaking work of Thomas Piketty and calls for economic democracy in the United States. And despite some recent primary setbacks by Tea Party candidates, Harvard professor Theda Skocpol says they aren’t dead yet!

James K. Galbraith

Economist James K. Galbraith is optimistic that there will be no great effects on the world economy from the flare-up in Ukraine, and he has some strong thoughts about U.S. trade policy.

Tom Malleson

Tom Malleson is a research fellow at York University in Canada and he says the growing income inequality documented by French economist Thomas Piketty could be eased by a strong dose of economic democracy.

Theda Skocpol

Despite some setbacks for the Tea Party in recent Republican primaries, Harvard political scientist Theda Skocpol  warns that the extremists will remain a huge influence on the GOP, and that, she says, is bad for America.

Jim Hightower

Moral Monday on the move.