Sister Simone Campbell says GOP budget proposals fail the moral test, former Congressman Mike Barnes says Republicans would have us in a war every three weeks, and Senator Bob Casey tells how the Republicans are killing an energy bill.



A harsh critic of Republican budget-cutting, Sister Simone Campbell says the GOP spending proposals “fail the moral test.” Foreign policy scholar and former congressman Mike Barnes says if McCain had been elected president, “we’d be in a new war every three weeks.” And Bill Press interviews Senator Bob Casey of Pennsylvania about energy, the economy and politics.


Simone Campbell

Sister Simone Campbell made a national splash a couple of years ago with her “nuns on the bus” campaign against Paul Ryan’s budget proposals. Today, the Republican proposals are even worse, she says, because “we are not taking care of the people Jesus cares about.”


Mike Barnes

Former Congressman Mike Barnes, a foreign policy expert, says it is less important how the United States or China reacts to Russia’s aggression than how Europe reacts.


Bob Casey

Bill Press and his guest, Senator Bob Casey of Pennsylvania.


Jim Hightower

In Oklahoma, "conservative" means serving corporate power.