Terry Golway reconsiders Tammany Hall … Fred Rotondaro says Obama’s foreign policy is strong … and Bill Press interviews Congressman John Sarbanes.


St. Patrick’s Day is coming up and historian Terry Golway tells us how the Irish political machine known as Tammany Hall became the forerunner of the New Deal. Regular commentator Fred Rotondaro compares President Obama to a couple of Republicans – Teddy Roosevelt and George H.W. Bush. And Bill Press interviews Maryland Congressman John Sarbanes about big money in Washington.

Terry Golway

Tammany Hall no longer exists, but when it did, the New York political machine created a social safety net at the neighborhood level long before government programs came along. Author Terry Golway thinks we still need strong political organizations like that.


Fred Rotondaro

Analyst Fred Rotondaro says Republicans blame President Obama for everything that goes wrong in the world, but his foreign policy is actually strong – speaking softly and carrying a big stick.


John Sarbanes

Bill Press and his guest, Congressman John Sarbanes of Maryland.


Jim Hightower

California's Water Crisis is Becoming a Beer Crisis.