Professor Ed Caudill on creationism … professor Stephen Griffin on war powers … and Bill Press interviews Thomas Reese about Pope Francis.


The controversy over Arizona’s anti-gay legislation and an HBO documentary on Darwin has put religion right back into the political discussion.  Professor Edward Caudill explains how only 60 percent of Americans believe in evolution – and more than half of Republicans don’t. With America on the verge of withdrawing from Afghanistan, Professor Stephen Griffin argues that the Constitution may not be adequate for keeping the country out of wars. And Bill Press interviews Father Thomas Reese of the National Catholic Reporter about the impact of Pope Francis.


Ed Caudill

Journalism professor Ed Caudill says the media are promoting ignorance of science when they feel obliged to give the nonexistent “other side” of evolution.


Stephen Griffin

Is the Constitution adequate when it comes to deciding when the nation should go to war? Tulane law professor Stephen Griffin suggests it is not and that Congress ought to take back some power from the White House.


Thomas Reese

Bill Press and his guest, Vatican expert Father Thomas Reese.


Jim Hightower

Ted Nugent brings bigotry & misogyny to Texas governors race.