Internet expert Peter Singer talks about internet security – and cute cats. Poverty researcher Chris Wimer calls for a “trickle UP” economy. And Bill Press talks climate change with Zoe Carpenter of  “The Nation”


Peter Singer is one of the country’s leading experts on the Internet and the riveting gripping issues of cybersecurity, cyberterrorism -- and cute cat videos. With the CBO weighing on both sides of the minimum wage debate, poverty expert Chris Wimer foresees a future of a “trickle UP” economy. And Bill Press interviews Zoe Carpenter, of “The Nation” on the subject of climate change.


Peter Singer

The Internet is undergoing huge changes, says expert Peter Singer, and while President Obama was ELECTED by the Internet, he might go down in history as the president who LOST the Internet.


Chris Wimer

Now that the CBO has weighed in on the minimum wage – providing ammunition for both progressives and conservatives – poverty research Chris Wimer calls for a balanced approach based on a “trickle up” economy.


Zoe Carpenter

Bill Press and his guest, “The Nation’s” Zoe Carpenter on climate change.


Jim Hightower

Tom Perkins speaks. Again.