How would Hillary Clinton run the White House? Author Jonathan Allen says clues can be found in her Secretary of Stateship. Professor Dante Chinni says the political map can be defined by Starbucks and Whole Foods. And Bill Press interviews the ACLU’s Chris Anders


Jonathan Allen, co-author of a best-selling book about Hillary Clinton says there is no evidence she denied security protection in Benghazi. Political scientist Dante Chinni tells us where the new swing states are. They’re in   the suburbs. And Bill Press interviews ACLU lawyer Chris Anders about the Senate battle with the CIA.

Jonathan Allen

How did Hillary Clinton manage her tenure as Secretary of State?  Jonathan Allen, a journalist and co-author of a best-selling book about her, says how she ran State could be a precursor as to how she might run a White House.

Dante Chinni

Where is the political fault line in American politics today? Professor Dante Chinni pinpoints it at the place where suburbs meet the exurbs.

Chris Anders

Bill Press interviews ACLU lawyer Chris Anders about the Senate battle with the CIA.

Jim Hightower


The millionaires' Congress vs. the people