Provocative ideas about the growing income gap from journalist David Cay Johnston and social justice activist, and former officeholder, Valerie Ervin. And the 2014 Senate election outlook from Jennifer Duffy.


The ever-provocative economics writer David Cay Johnston predicts riots and revolution if income inequality continues on its present course. Activist Valerie Ervin talks about her organization for working families and how building coalitions can actually move the needle toward more social justice. And Bill Press interviews political prognosticator Jennifer Duffy about the 2014 election outlook in the Senate, a “jump ball” situation.


David Cay Johnston

Pulitzer Prize winning author David Cay Johnston says if the current income inequality trend continues we are going to see riots and revolutions. Trickle-down doesn’t work, he says. Instead, we have “Amazon up” economics.


Valerie Ervin

The plight of minimum wage workers and the growing gap between rich and poor “is not the America we signed up for,” says former officeholder and now social activist Valerie Ervin.


Jennifer Duffy

Bill Press and his guest,  Jennifer Duffy of the Cook Political Report.


Jim Hightower

The symbolism of one adjunct professor's death.