Ed Kilgore on the Ryan budget … Phil Longman on the challenges facing Obamacare … and Stephen Griffin on the role of Congress in deciding when to go to war.


The Paul Ryan budget – the one that believes black men don’t have the culture to work – comes under attack from Democratic strategist Ed Kilgore. With Obamacare once again under fire at the Supreme Court and another sign-up deadline passing, health care analyst Phillip Longman talks about the policy challenges facing the Affordable Care Act. And law professor Stephen Griffin asks … and answers … how Congress can take a bigger role in decisions to go to war.

Ed Kilgore

While Paul Ryan rants about lazy black men, Democratic analyst Ed Kilgore says the congressman’s budget is a no-compromise holding pattern meant to kill, not just slow down, social programs.


Phillip Longman

Phillip Longman has studies the U.S. health care system and recommends it be treated as a “common carrier,” like a utility, in which prices are openly set for specific procedures.


Stephen Griffin

When Russia annexed Crimea, it once again raised questions about the role of Congress and the White House in establishing foreign and national defense policy. Law professor Stephen Griffin says Congress should centralize its own decision-making.


Jim Hightower

School lunches vs. fat cat dinners