Activist Madison Paige says fighting big money in politics requires micropolitics.  Former Ambassador Michael Ussery says things could get nasty in relations between the U.S. and Russia. And Bill Press talks with Bernie Sanders.


Now that the Supreme Court has opened the political money floodgates, progressive activist Madison Paige says we can fight it by organizing at the extremely local level. Things could get nasty between the United States and Russia, according to former Ambassador Michael Ussery. And Bill Press interviews Senator Bernie Sanders and Mark Pocan about the Supreme Court and unemployment insurance.

Madison Paige

Madison Paige is an advocate of what she calls micropolitics – winning progressive battles at the state, local and neighborhood levels. And that, she says, may be how to fight big money.

Michael Ussery

Former Ambassador Michael Ussery says the United States has a strong interest in what happens in Russia and that relations could get nasty and dangerous.

Bernie Sanders

Bill Press and his guests, Senator Bernie Sanders and Congressman Mark Pocan.

Jim Hightower


Freaky Stories from April Fool's Day.