Income inequality: It destabilizes the economy, says James K. Galbraith, and it affects election outcomes, says political scientist Jan Leighley. And Bill Press interviews  South Carolina Congressman Jim Clyburn


It’s income tax time, and the inequality of income in America has never been a bigger issue. Economist James K. Galbraith says it is a sign of economic instability. Economic inequality also manifests itself at the ballot box, where the rich vote more than the poor -- and vote their self-interest, says political scientist Jan Leighley. And Bill Press interviews Rep. Jim Clyburn about the 50th anniv of the civil rights act of 1964


James K. Galbraith

James K. Galbraith is one of America’s foremost progressive economists. He tells us that rising income inequality is a sign of the country’s overall economic instability.


Jan Leighley

Political scientist Jan Leighley has studied the effect of income on voter turnout. And, not surprisingly, poor people are less likely to vote – partly because they don’t see any point to it, since the rich vote more frequently in their own economic interest than do the poor.


Jim Clyburn

Bill Press and his guest  South Carolina Congressman Jim Clyburn.


Jim Hightower


Fast food chains stealing from low-wage workers