Defending Democracy in 2020. The fight against disinformation in elections, and restoring a commitment to global human rights.


What Democrats need to do to protect our elections from disinformation, bots and hacking. And what every presidential candidate should do to protect human rights. Plus, Bill Press  on President Trump’s chaotic foreign policy.

Simon Rosenberg

Trolls, bots and deep fakes are dangerous realities in our current political landscape that poison our discourse and weaken our democracy.  Simon Rosenberg has spent years understanding and fighting these threats, and he says the power is in our hands to stop them.


Aryeh Neier

Aryeh Neier is a leading figure in the modern day human rights movement. He says that  the United States has an essential role to play on the global stage, and it’s time to renew our commitment.


Nahaal Toosi

Bill Press talks with Politico Foreign Affairs correspondent Nahaal Toosi about  Donald Trump’s dysfunctional foreign policy and how it all got started.


Jim Hightower

2018 elections are over, so it's time to focus on 2020. Wrong