Revitalizing the American Dream. From America’s classrooms to the global economy. Plus Bill Press with Representative Dan Kildee ( D-MI).


How teachers are seizing the reins for accountability in the charter school movement.  How economic populists are reclaiming a progressive space in the global economy. Plus, challenging presidential authority and restoring integrity to American government. Bill Press talks with Representative Dan Kildee.


Jeff Bryant

When thousands of teachers went on strike in Los Angeles, it signaled a wave. Journalist Jeff Bryant says there is a growing movement of public school teachers confronting a privatized charter school industry that operates at the expense of public schools.


Robert Kuttner

Against the backdrop of right wing nationalism and Wall Street globalism, leading social critic and author Robert Kuttner speaks to the good news. He says  a new brand politics is gaining ground with the progressive promise of economic populism.


Dan Kildee

Bill Press talks with Representative Dan Kildee of Michigan about why we need H.R.1,  the effort to see Trump’s taxes, and why Republicans should not be lecturing Democrats about hate.


Jim Hightower

Trump’s one-word re-election campaign