Rural America Fights Back.  Striking for the future of public education, and challenging the power of Big Ag. Plus, Bill Press with Sabina Singh, Deputy Communications Director for the Democratic National Committee on a historic field of candidates.


This week, how rural teachers are driving a movement for change. How progressive Democrats can win the rural vote by taking on the grip of corporate money.  Plus, Bill Press talks with Sabina Singh, Deputy Communications Director for the Democratic National Committee...


Erin McHenry Sorber

Erin McHenry Sorber studies the roots and the impact of teachers’ strikes. As teachers across the country are fighting the underfunding of public education, she says the impact in rural America couldn’t be more critical.


Claire Kelloway

Claire Kelloway has a deep history in writing about food, power and politics. She says agricultural monopolies are driving farmers out of business, and the ball is in the Democrat’s court to respond.


Sabina Singh

Coming up, Bill Press talks with Sabina Singh, Deputy Communications Director for the Democratic National Committee about how to hold a debate for 16 candidates.


Jim Hightower

Just say no to the corporate bribe racket