Corinne Foxx - @corinnefoxx

Natalie McMillan - @nataliemcm and @shopnataliemcmillan 

What we're drinking: Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar Refresher 


We asked the Am I community to send in questions for solicited advice, and on today’s episode, we’re sharing our personal experiences and letting you know what the experts have to say about a variety of topics. 

We cover the pros and cons of dating while getting divorced and explain how to navigate toxic family dynamics. We also highlight tips for managing social anxiety and talk about what to know before getting your first tattoo.  

In this episode, we discuss:

Why experts are firmly against dating before your divorce is finalized Simple ways to hype yourself up before an event Ideas for small steps to get more comfortable in social situations What to do if you have manipulative in-laws Tools to establish boundaries and articulate consequences with family members Natalie’s approach to deciding on a tattoo design and artist 


Episode 61. Navigating Adult Relationships With Your Parents  


Corinne and Natalie introduce Hottie of the Week: Sarah Jessica Parker 


Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar Refresher  = 8 / SJP


To wrap up the episode, Corinne and Natalie play Fuck, Marry, Kill. Nat has to rank Sex in the City, Friends, and The Office while Corinne chooses between iconic Tim Burton movies: Beetlejuice, Edward Scissorhands, and Big Fish. 

We have a newsletter for our Am I community. You can sign up for the newsletter on our website: amidoingthisrightpod.com

You can email us for episode ideas or Solicited Advice: [email protected]

Follow us on Instagram: @amidoingthisrightpod 

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