Corinne Foxx - @corinnefoxx

Natalie McMillan - @nataliemcm and @shopnataliemcmillan 

What we're drinking: Trader Joe's Lemon Elderberry Soda


If you're a 90s kid like us and grew up living by the ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’ motto, you’re gonna want to sit down for this episode. There’s a lot of misinformation out there about how to make a difference with ‘recyclable’ products, and you might actually be doing more harm than good with your current routine. In this episode, we break down the truth about recycling and what you can do to ensure that your materials aren’t contributing to landfill and ocean waste. 

In this episode, we discuss:

The small percentage of plastic waste that actually gets recycled in the USExactly what can and cannot be recycledWhy it’s better to throw something away if you aren't 100% sure that it can be recycledThe one material that accounts for 35% of US landfill material Alarming information that was uncovered about systemic corruption in the plastics industry The best practices for recycling and how to keep track of your local guidelines 


Episode 110. From Trash to Treasure: How to Compost 


Corinne and Natalie introduce Hottie of the Week: Shailene Woodley


Trader Joe's Lemon Elderberry Soda = 6 / Shailene 


To wrap up the episode, we play Citizen’s Arrest. Besides putting Big Plastic behind bars, Natalie has had enough with the uneven audio levels in movies and TV, particularly action movies. And after two rainy days in LA, Corinne needs California’s irrigation system to get their act together because the city can’t take another drop of water. 

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