Corinne Foxx - @corinnefoxx

Natalie McMillan - @nataliemcm and @shopnataliemcmillan 

What we're drinking: 2019 Château Maison Noble Bordeaux Supérieur 


2022 has been the year of making your home “pop-in ready” at all times. Gone are the days of frantically tidying up and shoving junk in closets when your friend wants to randomly stop by. On today’s episode, we discuss the best ways to keep your home spotless and well looked after, and how to establish a cleaning routine that you actually like. We talk about our favorite cleaning products, how to make deep cleaning more fun, and the best ways to reduce clutter. 

In this episode, we discuss:

Creating a plan for how to tackle daily, weekly, and monthly cleaning tasks Simple ways to make cleaning more enjoyableWhat research shows about the link between living and working in a clean environment and a better quality of life Nat’s “Don’t Set It Down” policy Why having appropriate cleaning supplies in every room is such a game changer Tools that make cleaning quick and easy 


Episode 24 - New Year, New Space: How To Use Feng Shui To Cleanse and Clear Your Home with Arielle Sayeh

Episode 20 - End of Year Rituals: How To Let Go of 2020  


Corinne and Natalie introduce Hottie of the Week: Martha Stewart 


2019 Château Maison Noble Bordeaux Supérieur  = 5 / Martha Stewart


To wrap up the episode, Corinne and Natalie play Overrated/ Underrated. Corinne argues that going out is overrated and staying in is underrated. Nat has a hot take for the makeup girlies: highlighter is overrated, but blush deserves more love. 

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