Programs don’t teach kids, teachers do. We have to protect teaching talent by empowering teachers to take the important pieces of a curriculum and spend more time personalizing their lessons with their passion, talent, and creativity so that students can receive a personalized learning experience to become their best. Tune in to hear how teacher leaders can empower teachers so that their talent leads the way in the classroom.

QuotablesIt’s the responsibility of the teacher to take a program and bring it to life with their own talent and expertiseWe educators can’t be replaced by robots who just Charlie Brown at the front of the classroomWe have to apply ourselves, every day, just like we ask of our kids. Those are the tools within us utilizing the tools given to us to make an impactWithout us educators, a program is only a program, but with us it becomes learningAs a teacher leader your responsibility is to help teachers get through to students in the most efficient and effective wayBe the guide on the side and exercise patienceWe as teacher leaders have a job to do to empower teachers to remember their innate ability is most important in teaching kidsEach day of learning is a day to save a child. We make them more capable and confident than ever before and that allows them to go out into this world and become whatever it is they are meant to become
Book recommendationLead Like a PIRATE: Make School Amazing for your Students and Staff by Shelley Burgess and Beth Houf
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