Teachers are busy people and oftentimes don’t realize that every interaction they have with a child shapes the self-concept of their students. Regardless of intention, what teachers THINK about a child can be expressed as an expectation that can damage or restore a child’s passion and potential. Tune in to hear solutions for how all teachers can ensure every interaction with students communicates sincere adoration and high expectations.

QuotablesEvery interaction sends a messageSend the expectation that we are spending our time wiselyIt’s not that the other teacher is better than you, they just figured out how to jive with that kidEvery kid needs to know they have potential, end of storyNo matter what our kids want to be or do, we have to encourage them to chase itYou want kids to leave your classroom thinking, “My teacher always believed in me, even when I dreamed crazy”
Book recommendation‘Better than Carrots or Sticks’ by Dominique Smith, Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey
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