Neither of us has had hot flashes... but we have worked with many people who have,  and some who never did.

The fact is that hot flashes are common and "normal," but not necessarily natural or healthy. In fact, most symptoms associated with menopause are a sign of liver stress. A stressed liver isn't able to regulate hormones as gracefully as a healthy liver. As a result, signs of hormonal dysregulation can occur.

In this episode, we cover the physiologic mechanisms of hot flashes and what we can do to naturally support the body in moving through hormonal fluctuations of menopause with grace.

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Some highlights from today's MM episode...

Menopause is a normal transition for all women, not a pathologic condition that needs to be treatedHot flashes are known as "vasomotor symptoms" resulting from a changing set point in hypothalamic temperature receptorsEstrogen keeps the "thermoneutral zone" wide so there is more tolerance to greater fluctuations in temperatureA decrease in estradiol causes brain endorphins to decrease and norepinephrine to increase, leading to many symptoms (increased HR, palpitations, increased BP, sleep disturbances, hot flashes) Thyroid, adrenals, and other endocrine glands are interconnected with reproductive hormonesStress/cortisol management is key for hormone balance and decreasing hot flashesExercise (just walking 30 min daily!) is powerful in decreasing hot flashesLiver support is super important (cleanse, WFPB eating, hydration, toxicity mitigation, etc)Phytoestrogens in soy modulate estrogen receptors to support balanceHerbs: Maca, black cohosh, sage, vitex, pine bark extract (consult a naturopathic doctor)

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- Cleanse with Us during the next Alter Health Cleanse:
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Peace and Love.

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