Everything is about sex. Except sex. Sex is about power. And this applies particularly so to the erotic art of BDSM, an ancient realm of knowledge from which the feminine archetype of the dominatrix is born. Otherwise known as a domme, she enjoys taking control and how to wield her psycho-sexual power.

In this episode, we talk to Papaya Day Truly, a modern domme based in Hawaii.

Papaya Day Truly offers digital domination (or virtual domination) to men who want to improve the quality of their lives and communities.

A self described Creative Domme, Cinematic Healer and Living Goddess, Truly seeks to evoke the divinity within the male collective, celebrate the innate playful creativity within humanity and restore the balance of masculine and feminine energy .

She works privately and 1:1 with clients, only accepting 3 at a year. 


In this episode we talk about:

My hot take on COVID-19 and community care

Changing your name and identity

Chakra Girl Business School

Professionally and personally pivoting

Working through sexual trauma

Virtual domination 

Fet Life

Shadow work

Death as a motivator

The chakras

Throat chakras and speaking your truth 

Sexuality and creativity 

Cindy Sherman

What does a domme actually do?

Negotiating consent within power structures

Navigating power structures as a WOC

Street harassment

Anne O’Nomis 


How to approach a domme as a sub

Why you need to support your local sex shop

Ev'yan Whitney 

Sensual selfies


Follow Papaya on Instagram

Follow Pleasurely on Instagram

Apply for coaching with Camilla