This episodes guest is Physical Preparation Coach James Smith.
James was a previous guest back on Episode 47.

On this episode James and I discussed topics from his latest book Applied Sprint Training.

The topics we got into were:
- Increasing the Alactic Threshold- Maximum and Operational Outputs- Extensive Tempo vs Maximum Aerobic Speed for Aerobic development- Short to Long and Long to Short Protocols for Speed Development- Vertical Integration- Why James does not like the Yo-Yo Test for looking at aerobic capacity- Aerobic Power Methods for aerobic development- James' thoughts on using Olympic Lift Variations for Strength-Speed and and overall power development
This was an outstanding interview guys, and I hope you enjoy part 1.

Stay Strong,RB
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This episodes guest is Physical Preparation Coach James Smith.

James was a previous guest back on Episode 47.

On this episode James and I discussed topics from his latest book Applied Sprint Training.

The topics we got into were:

- Increasing the Alactic Threshold- Maximum and Operational Outputs- Extensive Tempo vs Maximum Aerobic Speed for Aerobic development- Short to Long and Long to Short Protocols for Speed Development- Vertical Integration- Why James does not like the Yo-Yo Test for looking at aerobic capacity- Aerobic Power Methods for aerobic development- James' thoughts on using Olympic Lift Variations for Strength-Speed and and overall power development

This was an outstanding interview guys, and I hope you enjoy part 1.

Stay Strong,RB

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To get INSTANT ACCESS to almost 20 hours of World Class online video Strength and Conditioning Information go to