This episodes guest is Greg Muller from "Lead the Pack".

With over 20 years of experience of working in a wide range of sporting environments with athletes, teams and organisations Greg Muller is a premier human performance and leadership training coach. Having worked and trained in many countries including New Zealand, Australia, Canada, USA, Japan, United Kingdom and Ireland Greg has had success with athletes and sports teams including rugby, softball, racquet sports, martial arts, gymnastics, swimming, hockey, elite force soldiers, business executives and sporting/business organisations.

Highly trained and qualified in numerous fields related to human performance Greg has trained extensively through the CHEK Institute in the USA and also holds a Masters Degree in Leadership, Innovation and Change from York St John’s University in the UK.

As a former Senior Instructor of the Joint Services Physical Education and Recreational School (NZ) Greg was directly responsible for the training and recruitment of physical training instructors within the New Zealand Defence Force. He currently resides in Ireland where he works with a number of clients including elite professional sports people, teams and business organisations offering seminars, leadership training and elite performance strategies to enable individuals, teams and organisations to reach their potential.

Greg is currently completing his book “In Search of the Holy Grail” detailing the principles and philosophies for success and winning and is also the founder and developer of his company, Pure Athlete, which provides recovery and performance products for athletes and active people.

On this episode Greg and I discuss:

Greg's background
I ask Greg about Paul Chek's influence on him as a coach and person
I ask Greg about his time with the Auckland Blues
I ask Greg why he got interested in Leadership?
I ask Greg for this top leadership resources
I ask Greg why he got involved in creating recovery bath salts?
I ask Greg for resources on recovery baths?
I ask Greg about is work at Lead the Pack
I ask Greg what a day in his life is like?
I ask Greg - how does he learn?
If Greg could invite 5 people to dinner, dead or alive, who would he invite and why?

This was an outstanding episode and I hope you all enjoy it as much as we did!

Stay Strong,



Show Notes:

Website -

Website -

Facebook - Lead the Pack

Facebook - Pure Athlete

Twitter - @leadthepack1

Twitter - @PureAthlete1


Books Mentioned:

Mechanical low back pain

Coherence: The Secret Science of Brilliant Leadership

Think and Grow Rich

The Success Principles

Recovery for Performance

The Ultimate Guide to HRV Training 

Winner's Bible: Rewire your Brain for Permanent Change 

Make it stick 



Podcasts Mentioned:

Living 4D: EP 35- Greg Muller: Coaching Strategies for Elite Athletes That Work for Everyone! 


People and Resources Mentioned:

Paul Chek

Connacht Rugby

Chek Institute

Auckland Blues

John Maxwell

Nic Gill

Joel Jamieson

Jim Kwik

Brian Tracey

Carol Dweck

Barack Obama

Andre Agassi

Jennifer Anderson

Albert Einstein

Tiger Woods 


Twitter Mentions