This episodes guest is Aaron Davis from Train Adapt Evolve.

Aaron Davis is a Sports Performance/Health Coach with 10 years experience coaching athletes and teams across multiple sports. Utilizing multiple diagnostic technologies and labs, Davis firmly believes health and performance go hand in hand. He is a constant student of sports performance and health – drawing upon knowledge from leading experts in the field. Davis coaches athletes in the Austin, Texas area as well as international and US athletes remotely. He shares his experiences and training philosophy speaking at seminars and writing for Train. Adapt. Evolve.

On this episode Aaron and I discuss:

Aaron's background and influences 
Why do a lot of people move to Austin?
What are the good and not so good things that he currently see's with the physical preparation profession, and what solutions would he offer for the not so good things that he see's
What is Aaron's training philosophy
What does Aaron's training system look like?
I ask Aaron - what is the Moxy unit and what does it do?
I ask Aaron who has influenced his orthopedic assessment?
I ask Aaron to give us his thoughts regarding energy system development 
I ask Aaron how does he individualize and monitoring his programming?
I ask Aaron about occulsion mechanisms that can happen within muscles during execise
I ask Aaron about how the mitchondria can enhance muscle relaxation intra-muscular contractions
I ask Aaron about his thoughts on Concurrent Training
I ask Aaron about his thoughts on central vs peripheral cardiovascular assessment and training presecription
I ask Aaron his thoughts on the importance of sleep for performance 
I ask Aaron what are his clients buy in levels like when they first come to Train Adapt Evolve
I ask Aaron what have been the biggest lessons he has learned so far in his life and career
I ask Aaron is the difference in the aerobic adaptations to cardiac muscle from running vs resistance training?
I ask Aaron for his current and top book recommendations
I ask Aaron for his top life advice
I ask - if he only had one year left on planet earth - how would he send that year and why?
I ask Aaron - if he could invite 5 people to dinner, dead or alive, who would he invite and why?


This was an outstanding episode and I hope you all enjoy it as much as we did!

Stay Strong,



Show Notes:

Website - Train Apapt Evlove 

Facebook - Aaron Davis

Instagram - davisxctf


Books Mentioned:

Block Periodization

Crucial Conversations

The Biology of Transcendence 

Mans Search for Meaning

Navigating Metabolism

Waking Up 

12 Rules for Life

Self Reliance 


People and Recources Mentioned:

Dr. Jack Kruse

Doug Wallace

Dr. Michael Kucera

James Fitzgerald

Dr. Ben House 

Eddie Hall

Ross Edgley

Joseph Chilton Pearce

Viktor Frankl

Aarons Article - Simplifaster - Raising the Ceilings of Performance with Aaron Davis


Gary Gray

Derek Evely - Bondarchuk Course

Buddy Morris

Mike Robertson

Alan Watts

Raplh Waldo Emerson

Chris Masterjohn

Anatonliy Bondarchuk

Gerald Pollock

Leanne Venier 

Kevin Crottell 

Louie CK

Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Tony Robbins

Albert Szent-Györgyi

Gilbert Ling

Nickola Tesla

Eric Oetter

Pat Estes


Moxy Unit



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Ultimate Athlete Concepts

Ultimate Athlete Concepts is a multi faceted company, providing the most sophisticated scientific material in sport science. UAC is the worlds leading resource for translated sport preparation educational material. 


National Sports Performance Association

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Certified Speed and Agility Coach

Cerfitied Weightlifting Performance Coach

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Athletes Acceleration

Complete Warm Up

Complete Speed Training

Complete Speed Games

Complete Jumps Training

Complete Olympic Lifting

Complete Youth Training

Complete Guide to Training the Female Athlete

Complete Core

Complete Sports Conditioning 

Complete Sports Nutrition

Complete Program Design

Sports Camp Empire



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