He's BACK!!!! Fuck YES!!!!

My main Man Pat Davidson is back on the show to discuss everything about his epic ebook MASS 2. 

This is only Part 1 of a number of episodes that Pat and I will be dedicating to MASS 2. 

On this episode Pat and I discuss:

Whats new with Pat
We discuss creativity
How MASS 2 came to be?
Pat and I discuss the gift of the "Addict Brain" and dopamine
Pat shares with us the 3 movies that inspired the conception of MASS 2
Pat shares with us how Mike Boyle, Val Nsedkin, Roman Fomin, Charlie Francis and Cal Dietz greatly influence the design of MASS 2
Pat and I discuss the hormone hypothesis of hypertrophy, and how it would seem that hormones are not as critical to the overall mucsle growth process as was once believed
We discuss the microcycle set up utilized with MASS 2 which is a 4 day/ week set up that incorporates a 2 or 1.5 developmental days, a stimulution day, and an alactic-aerobic day
Pat discusses the importance of recovery days for the upregulation of parasympathetic activity within MASS 2. Here we discuss how important social support is, and the work of Stephen Porges and his Polyvagul Theory
We discuss how an excessive parasympathetic state can be detrimental to health and performance
We discuss the molecular mechanism of protein synthessis involved in muscle mass accredition


This was an outstanding episode with my brother from another mother and I hope you all enjoy it as much as we did!

Stay Strong,



Show Notes:


Pat's Facebook


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