This episodes guest is legendary Strength and Conditioning coach and Physical Therapist Don Chu.

Dr. Chu has developed an extensive reputation in the field of sports rehabilitation and in the areas of fitness and conditioning. He has been credited with bringing "Plyometric Training" to the attention of the athletic world through his application of theoretical knowledge into practical demonstrations. Dr. Chu has published six books, (including "Jumping into Plyometrics", now in its 2nd edition), written articles in referred journals and contributed chapters in many other books. His lectures on Plyometrics and other topics in Sports Medicine have been heard throughout virtually every state and many foreign countries over the past decade.

On this Episode Don and I discussed:

Don's Background and Influence
LTAD and Plyometrics
Don's Training Philosophy 
Don's thoughts on Jump Profiliing and using it as a diagnostic tool for program prescription
Don's thoughts on the need for Strength Development as a precursor to utilizing true plyometric training 
How Don implements his plyometric programming over the course of a microcycle
Don's take about using both depth jumps and drop jumps within an athletes program
Don's thoughts on Eccentric and Isometric Training methods
Don's use of monitoring and readiness strategies
Don's biggest lessons that he has learn in his career
Don's Top advice for all the listeners


This was another top class episode guys, so I hope you enjoy it!

Stay Strong,

Show Notes:

- Don's resources

Special Strength Training Manual for Coaches

Derek Hansen

Al Vermeil

Rob Panariello

Gregory Myer

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