Welcome to "A Lake a Day Will Keep the Doctor Away," where I recount a remarkable week-long vacation exploring a different lake each day with great friends. Our days were filled with biking scenic trails, fishing in tranquil waters, paddling amongst the mountains and floating down rapids, while our kids reveled in outdoor adventures and evenings were spent bonding over s'mores by the fire. This trip was a reminder of the joy found in simplicity and the rejuvenating power of nature and leaving us refreshed in mind and spirit. 

Candace Dunaway is the Host of the All Things Relatable podcast. Candace practices daily gratitude and believes that this practice is the key to living a joyful life. Candace sees the world through an optimistic lens and looks for the silver linings, even in the most difficult of times. She believes that life is a collection of simple moments of joy that compound to create a happy life.

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