Today I wanted to share with you the 5 Levels of Performance. Not everybody attacks their craft the same way. When you look at this list, I want you to determine where you think you are, and what you’re going to do about it.

Level 1: “I’m happy to be here”. Wide-eyed and bushy tailed; you love the gear, the food, and the amenities. You’re just happy you made it to the Show, the League, the Big Time.

Level 2: “I just want to play”. Being here is not enough. You want to be on the field, the court, in the arena competition.

Level 3: “I don’t want to lose my spot.” Self-explanatory. You’ve done the work, and you’re trying to hold onto your position. Come hell or high water, you are going to hold on tight, not giving it up to a younger player, a transfer, a free agent, or any other competitor.

Level 4: “I’m going to show you I’m the best.” For many, this is the pinnacle of Performance. This is where you are able to demonstrate on a regular basis just how good you are, as the world takes note.

Level 5: “I know that I have been blessed with God-given talent, and I am going to use that talent to make God smile, and bless others”

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