Godeyvio Castro is not just a dedicated educator in traditional martial arts, fitness, and boxing; he’s a transformative guide for those looking to elevate their lives physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Born and raised in a tough urban setting, Godeyvio’s life was shaped by adversity—from witnessing violence and drug abuse to becoming a teenage father at age 16 and later a single dad, his journey was far from easy.

At the age of 21, a physical altercation resulted in a felony charge, subsequently expunged, that set him on an entrepreneurial path. He founded Awakening Warriors Institute, a sanctuary for unlocking human potential. Here, Godeyvio focuses on activating the WARRIOR Archetype in individuals, guiding them to enhance their spiritual gifts through astral projection, quantum physics, and esoteric wisdom.

Beyond his practical teachings, Godeyvio is an academic with a Master’s in Therapeutic Martial Arts from the American University of Holistic Healing. He is also yoga-certified and holds an elite level boxing coaching certification. His credentials underscore his commitment to being a well-rounded educator. Spiritual growth has always been the cornerstone of Godeyvio’s life. His spiritual journey led him to train with Taoist Monks and explore the jungles of South America, where he further honed his martial arts skills and spiritual practices.

One transformative teaching he received was in the meditation practice of Falun Gong. Godeyvio’s global mission has taken him to four continents, where he has spoken to over 6,000 indigenous people, helping them integrate into modern society while honoring their spiritual roots.

Closer to home, he offers self-defense classes for men, women, and children in Gilbert, AZ, aiming to elevate their quality of life and instill greater self-confidence. 

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