Hello Royalty! 

The ink has dried and our Guest from week 10 Ms. Natasha Skinner AKA Ms. Say Yes has officially joined the Podcast as a co-host!!

SO the Bank said technically we are in the 21st week of the year. I say we are in week 20 but to insure all words are understand we will follow the banks lead :-).

Week 21 is about celebrating We Our Really Dope Souls (English heads be quite had to make it fit lol)

They say Sticks and Stones may hurt your bones but WORDS will never... That is one of the biggest lies known to Man. Words have power and when used incorrectly can leaving to death!

I have a story your not gonna believe...


Man I'm STRESSED. It took me 21 weeks to FINALLY admit that and It feels good. Let's get better together.

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