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02:10 - Peter Hoddie Introduction


02:36 - Kinoma     

03:28 - Embedded Development in C; Approachability

05:24 - IoT = Internet of Things; Embedded Devices and Systems

08:59 - Mesh Networking

10:41 - IoT and JavaScript

20:08 - Getting Started & Electrical Engineering

22:42 - Testing

24:56 - Security

31:07 - Bootstrap

34:16 - Community Resistance

35:56 - Where is IoT heading as far as applications go?

  • Scriptability

41:57 - Preparing Today for the Future


Let’s Encrypt (AJ)

The web accessibility basics (Jamison)

readthesource (Aimee)

Drip (Chuck)

Twilio (Chuck)

JS Remote Conf (Chuck)

All Remote Confs (Chuck)

Standard ECMA-262 (Peter)

The Future of the Internet--And How to Stop It by Jonathan Zittrain (Peter)

Software Freedom Conservancy (Peter)

Special Guest: Peter Hoddie.

Get your JS Remote Conf tickets!


02:10 - Peter Hoddie Introduction


02:36 - Kinoma     

03:28 - Embedded Development in C; Approachability

05:24 - IoT = Internet of Things; Embedded Devices and Systems

08:59 - Mesh Networking

10:41 - IoT and JavaScript


20:08 - Getting Started & Electrical Engineering

22:42 - Testing

24:56 - Security

31:07 - Bootstrap

34:16 - Community Resistance

35:56 - Where is IoT heading as far as applications go?


41:57 - Preparing Today for the Future


Let’s Encrypt (AJ)

The web accessibility basics (Jamison)

readthesource (Aimee)

Drip (Chuck)

Twilio (Chuck)

JS Remote Conf (Chuck)

All Remote Confs (Chuck)

Standard ECMA-262 (Peter)

The Future of the Internet--And How to Stop It by Jonathan Zittrain (Peter)

Software Freedom Conservancy (Peter)

Special Guest: Peter Hoddie.

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