When your company is on a great revenue forecast, and the stars align, it might be a sign. My guest today, Alex Mont-Ros, shares how he and his wife Lisa, had a business that was doing fantastic, and why they decided to exit and sell the business, and why you should too.

We Meet: Alex Mont-Ros, Entrepreneur, Husband and Father

Episode References: 

Funnel Hacking Live

First Episode with Alex Mont-Ros



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About Alex:

Alex Mont-Ros is an entrepreneur and founder of multiple startups and had an extensive leadership career within a Fortune 20 organization. He's a story of the American Dream who came from the bottom. He went from broke and full of pain from his storied past to OVERCOMING what seemed to be impossible odds early on in life to BECOMING a Multi-Millionaire and a Father to 8 kids ranging from 6-27 years old (4 Biological and 4 Stepchildren).


Over the last 20 years he's worked diligently to walk into a noble calling as the man and father God had destined him to be! His passion is helping build up fathers to be intentional and consistent with the way they lead their families.


Lastly and most important…he couldn’t have progressed in life over the last decade without his amazing wife Lisa! They aim to live an extraordinary life of Contribution, Servant Leadership, and Generosity!